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Catherine Gagnon


Massage Therapist

Catherine has over 18 years of experience in manual therapy.


After obtaining her diploma in orthotherapy technician & kinesitherapy, she followed several other training courses, such as: Lomi Lomi massage, Thai massage, Deep Tissue work, myo-fascial release, ashiatsu and Sarga bodywork.



Catherine continues to develop her skills in the health profession. In addition to teaching continuing education in massage therapy, she loves travelling, which took her around the world to experience the culture of techniques that inspire her, such as in Thailand and Hawaii.

All this provides her with many different necessary and diverse tools.



She combines massage, stretching and joint mobilization during her treatments. With her hands, elbows or even her feet!



 Whether you are male, female, athletic, pregnant, with a sedentary job or not, of any age... Her approach is for everyone.


She is a member of the Réseau des Massothérapeutes Professionnels du Québec (R.M.P.Q.)

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